Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday Fun

Holiday Fun..............

Well the classroom is full of all the holiday buzzzz. We have decided to take our first field trip to the MOST Musuem in Syracuse NY on December 20th. Yes we are a little brave and crazy to be trucking down I81 through the snowbelt area in December with 140 plus first graders. the MOST is a science and technology musuem with an IMAX theater attached that just happens to be showing the Polar Express. YEAH!!

Sooooo I just happen to be wandering around TPT and found a couple great Polar Express units by two of my favorite teachers.


Polar Express Literacy Pack

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sooooo Back to School

I started this blog last spring and really didn't give it the ole full college try by any means!!! So new year and I'm going to give it another whirl.

The begining of the school year is such an exciting time but, it always seems like a blur around October first when I am finally like okay need to get my game on now.

We have been in school 13 whole days, and it feels like months !

Things I can tell you about my students:
1. They are the best group of 5 & 6 year olds I know.
2. They are always hungry and ask "Whens Lunch?" and 30 minutes after lunch ask "When is snack?"
3. Their reading ability amazes me everyday as I complete benchmark testing. 
4. They are an extremely compassionate group of children.
5. They L.O.V.E. technology and are great at using the mini dell laptops as we (ok I) patiently wait for a classroom supply of IPads (YES!!! I can't wait)
6. They like to say "Mrs. Smith" or the occassional "Mom" or "Teacher" no less than 3,000 times a day.
7. They are a very energetic and enthusiastic group of learners. 

I love my class.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eric Carle Inspired Creations

Eric Carle is my of my favorite author studies to do especially in the spring time.
His books truly lead to endless possibilities. So i decide I would try to have a craft activity that related to our read aloud for the day or ......that just simple fit into the spring LOOK...... that also incorporated a little ELA and Math if possible............true integration at its best :0)

 After Reading Little Cloud we made these cute Little Cloud people and Rainbow Poems that I found on the wonderful  First Grade Parade Blog........

 This activity really didn't go with any specific story but last year we had a First Grade Teacher retire after many years of inspiring young minds and she bestowed her very organized and wonderful resource files to us down in the first grade wing.....................So I ran across this adorable coloring / writing activity. I had my students color and cut the bird sheets and glue them to a large piece of construction paper then I had them describe in their own words what was going on in the picture!! They turned out tooooo cute :0)

After read The Tiny Seed I had my First Graders make these adorable hand print sunflowers which we used as the starting activity to our Spring / Eric Carle inspired wall outside our classroom door.

Another cute flower idea we did that fit right in with composing numbers in math. I got this cute idea from First Grade Parade stop by her blog to get your free patterns for this activity.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Soooo I'm attempting to get this blogging thing off the ground. I have been doing an author study for a few weeks on Eric Carle. My students have been so busy and excited with all the learning and activities we have been doing.

I guess I just need to take a few minutes to take some pictures and upload what we have been up to.( I will do this ASAP) :0)

I must confess I have turned into a center activity seeking CRAZY teacher. Every free minute I have I am searching teacher blogs and the
Teacher Pay Teachers Store. ( My new Love)


Monday, April 9, 2012

Eric Carle

Stayed tuned for Eric Carle Unit
Welcome to Mrs. Smith's Fabulous First Grade!  This is my 3rd year teaching First Grade and I previously taught Pre-K for ten years! I love teaching First Grade and decided I would share my journey as I touch so many little lives. Join me on my journey as a  First Grade teacher.  I hope to share lots of exciting activities, lessons, and printables with you!  I'm constantly on the search for fun and exciting things to do with my kids and I love sharing what I learn!  Here's to a fabulous journey in FIRST GRADE!!!!
Setting Up Blog......