Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sooooo Back to School

I started this blog last spring and really didn't give it the ole full college try by any means!!! So new year and I'm going to give it another whirl.

The begining of the school year is such an exciting time but, it always seems like a blur around October first when I am finally like okay need to get my game on now.

We have been in school 13 whole days, and it feels like months !

Things I can tell you about my students:
1. They are the best group of 5 & 6 year olds I know.
2. They are always hungry and ask "Whens Lunch?" and 30 minutes after lunch ask "When is snack?"
3. Their reading ability amazes me everyday as I complete benchmark testing. 
4. They are an extremely compassionate group of children.
5. They L.O.V.E. technology and are great at using the mini dell laptops as we (ok I) patiently wait for a classroom supply of IPads (YES!!! I can't wait)
6. They like to say "Mrs. Smith" or the occassional "Mom" or "Teacher" no less than 3,000 times a day.
7. They are a very energetic and enthusiastic group of learners. 

I love my class.